The Nuclino API exposes item content as Markdown. It adheres to the CommonMark spec and uses GFM extensions to add support for strikethrough, task lists and simple tables. Additionally, it uses HTML comments to add metadata that is specific to Nuclino. Inline nodes like internal links, mentions, and file uploads are represented as Markdown links and are recognized based on their URL.
Example of Nuclino item content formatted as Markdown:
# Large heading
## Medium heading
### Small heading
- List item 1
- Nested list item
- List item 2
1. Ordered list item 1
1. Nested ordered list item
2. Ordered list item 2
- [ ] Task item
- [ ] Nested task item
- [x] Task item checked
# Inline nodes
Simple paragraph with *emphasized* and **bold** text.
Inline `code` can also be used. And they can be ***`combined`***.
~~Strikethrough~~ and ==text highlights== are also supported.
External link: [Nuclino]( "Nuclino | Your team’s collective brain")
Internal link: [Other item](
User mention: [Jonathan Kienzle](
Group mention: [Developers](
File upload: [Example.txt](
Inline equation: $$2+2=4$$
Inline date: <2024-01-20>
# Image

# Image with comment
<!-- image comment=a7ab12fd-2669-4a53-885a-49df3c327b2c -->

# Image grid
<!-- image-grid -->

# Quote
> This is a blockquote.
# Callout
> [!note]
> This is a callout.
# Table
| top left | top right |
| ----------- | ------------ |
| bottom left | bottom right |
# Code block
function sum(a, b) {
return a + b;
# Embed
<!-- embed -->
# Equation block
# Mermaid diagram
A --> B
Tables that contain cells with multiple lines use the grid table format. The Nuclino API currently only supports exporting such tables, but does not support importing them.