
The workspace object

  • object string: "workspace"

  • id uuid

  • teamId uuid

  • name string

  • createdAt date

  • createdUserId uuid

  • fields Array[Field]

  • childIds Array[uuid]: An array of all the top level item and collection IDs in the workspace.

Get workspaces

Endpoint: GET /v0/workspaces

Query parameters:

  • teamId uuid (optional): Filter workspaces that belong to the given team.

  • limit integer (optional, default: 100): Number between 1 and 100 to limit the results.

  • after uuid (optional): Only return workspaces that come after the given workspace ID (used for pagination usually in combination with the limit parameter).

Example request

curl \
-H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

Example response

"status": "success",
"data": {
"object": "list",
"results": [
"object": "workspace",
"id": "127a8c4a-b3c6-4a42-8fef-b6c521e6c8cf",
"teamId": "020f9737-7b21-442b-85eb-bd420e5593b2",
"name": "General",
"createdAt": "2021-12-15T15:54:23.598Z",
"createdUserId": "2e96f3bb-c742-4164-af2c-151ab2fd346b",
"fields": [
"object": "field",
"id": "1504df6f-5704-43e9-9af9-79ed801828d8",
"type": "date",
"name": "My date field"
"childIds": ["aaf6d580-565d-497b-9ff3-b32075de3f4c"]
"object": "workspace",
"id": "66be346f-44e2-49da-888b-a2e381d4d92a",
"teamId": "020f9737-7b21-442b-85eb-bd420e5593b2",
"name": "Sprint planning",
"createdAt": "2021-12-15T15:54:05.085Z",
"createdUserId": "2e96f3bb-c742-4164-af2c-151ab2fd346b",
"fields": [],
"childIds": []

Get workspace

Endpoint: GET /v0/workspaces/:id

Example request

curl \
-H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

Example response

"status": "success",
"data": {
"object": "workspace",
"id": "127a8c4a-b3c6-4a42-8fef-b6c521e6c8cf",
"teamId": "020f9737-7b21-442b-85eb-bd420e5593b2",
"name": "General",
"createdAt": "2021-12-15T15:54:23.598Z",
"createdUserId": "2e96f3bb-c742-4164-af2c-151ab2fd346b",
"fields": [
"object": "field",
"id": "1504df6f-5704-43e9-9af9-79ed801828d8",
"type": "date",
"name": "My date field"
"childIds": ["aaf6d580-565d-497b-9ff3-b32075de3f4c"]