Who can use this feature?
🔐 Only workspace members with full access can add and edit code blocks.
⭐️ Available on all plans.
Workspace members can insert code blocks in items. Code blocks are helpful for sharing small snippets of code. This can be useful for technical collaboration.
round((signups::NUMERIC / lag(signups) OVER(
ORDER BY iso_year_week) - 1) * 100, 2) AS growth
to_char(created_at, 'IYYY_IW') AS iso_year_week,
COUNT(*) AS signups
GROUP BY iso_year_week
ORDER BY iso_year_week DESC
Move your cursor to an empty line inside the item in which you'd like to add a code block.
Insert three consecutive ticks ```
A code block will appear in which you can type or paste code.
Move your cursor to an empty line inside the item in which you'd like to add a code block.
Click on the insert button, the red +
Select Code block.
A code block will appear in which you can type or paste code.
Move your cursor to an empty line inside the item in which you'd like to add a code block.
Type /
Select Code block.
A code block will appear in which you can type or paste code.
Move your mouse over a code block.
Click the programming language picker in the bottom right of the code block.
Select a programming language.
Right-click on the code block.
Select Maximize to allow the code block to take up more horizontal space.
Select Minimize to restore the default width of the code block.
Right-click on the code block.
Select Enable wrapping.
Right-click on the code block.
Select Copy.
Right-click on the code block.
Select Delete.