Delete a collection

Who can use this feature?

🔐 Only workspace editors can delete collections.

⭐️ Available on all plans.

Any workspace member can delete a collection. If a collection is deleted, all the items in this collection are moved to the trash.

To delete a collection

Using the list view

  1. Open the workspace from which you'd like to delete a collection.

  2. Open the list view.

  3. Click on the three dots next to the collection you'd like to delete and select Delete.


Using the board view

  1. Open the workspace from which you'd like to delete a collection.

  2. Open the board view.

  3. Click on the three dots next to the collection you'd like to delete and select Delete.


Using the table view

  1. Open the workspace from which you'd like to delete a collection.

  2. Open the table view.

  3. Right-click the Collections column or click on the three dots .

  4. Select Edit collections...

  5. Hover over the collection you'd like to delete.

  6. Click on the three dots next to the collection and select Delete.
