Delete an item

Who can use this feature?

🔐 Only workspace editors can delete items.

⭐️ Available on all plans.

To delete an item

Using the list view

  1. Open the workspace that contains the item you'd like to delete.

  2. Open the list view.

  3. Move your mouse over the item in the left sidebar and click on the three dots .

  4. Select Delete. The item will be moved to the trash.


Using the item menu

  1. Open the workspace that contains the item you'd like to delete.

  2. Open the item you'd like to delete.

  3. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the item.

  4. Select Delete. The item will be moved to the trash.


To empty the trash

To learn how to empty the trash, see Empty the trash.

To restore an item

To learn how to restore an item from the trash, see Restore an item from the trash.