Add an item to a collection

Who can use this feature?

🔐 Only workspace members with full access can add items to collections.

⭐️ Available on all plans.

Workspace members with full access can add an item to one or more collections.

To add an item to a collection

Using the item header

  1. Open the item you'd like to add to a collection.

  2. Click Add to collection above the item title.

  3. Select the desired collection from the list. You can type to filter all collections by their name. If you want to add the item to a new collection, type the name of the new collection and click Create.

  1. If you want to add an item to more collections, click Add to multiple collections at the end of the list and select the desired collection(s).


Using the table view

  1. Open the workspace in which you'd like to add an item to a collection.

  2. Open the table view.

  3. In the Collections column, click Add to collection.

  4. Select the desired collection from the list. You can type to filter all collections by their name. If you want to add the item to a new collection, type the name of the new collection and click Create.

  1. If you want to add an item to more collections, click Add to multiple collections at the end of the list and select the desired collection(s).


Using the list view

  1. Open the workspace in which you'd like to add an item to a collection.

  2. Open the list view.

  3. Drag the item and drop it onto the collection you want to add it to.
