Use Sidekick (AI)

Who can use this feature?

🔐 Only workspace editors can use Sidekick.

⭐️ A limited version of Sidekick is available on all plans. The full version is available as an optional add-on to the paid plans.

Sidekick is your AI-powered teammate that can be used for a wide range of tasks, including:

  • Drafting new content (blog posts, emails, proposals, and so on)

  • Generating images

  • Continue writing from where you left off

  • Brainstorming ideas

  • Summarizing text

  • Translating text

  • Fixing spelling and grammar

  • Changing the tone of your writing

...and much more.

To generate text or ideas

  1. Open the item in which you'd like Sidekick to generate text or ideas.

  2. Type / inside a paragraph or click on the insert button (the red + icon) in an empty line.

  3. Select or type Sidekick.

  1. Select the option that best matches your intention:

    • Select Write anything and enter any prompt to have Sidekick draft new text for you. You can also select Write agenda, Write blog post, or Write email as a quick shortcut.

    • Select Continue writing to have Sidekick continue writing from where you left off.

    • Select Brainstorm ideas and enter a topic to have Sidekick give you a list of ideas.

  1. Click Send to start generating the text.

  2. Click Insert to add the generated text to the item.


If you're not satisfied with the content, click Try again to generate a different result, or Refine to give additional directions to Sidekick.

To generate an image

  1. Open the item in which you'd like Sidekick to generate an image.

  2. Type / inside a paragraph or click on the insert button (the red + icon) in an empty line.

  3. Select or type Sidekick.

  4. Select or type Generate image.

  5. Type your request describing the kind of image you want Sidekick to generate.

  6. Click Send to start generating the image.

  7. Click Insert to add the generated image to the item.


If you're not satisfied with the image, click Try again to generate a different image.

To edit text

  1. Open the item in which you'd like Sidekick to edit existing text.

  2. Select the text you'd like to edit.

  3. Select Sidekick from the menu or press Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + K.

  1. Type your request or select one of the shortcuts from the list (Fix spelling & grammar, Translate, Summarize, Change tone, Shorten, or Elaborate).

  2. Click Send.

  1. Choose Insert below to add the newly generated text below the selected text, or Replace, to replace the selected text with the generated text.

If you're not satisfied with the content, click Try again to generate a different result, or Refine to give additional directions to Sidekick.

Common questions

How do I get access to Sidekick?

All Nuclino users can try Sidekick for free with a limited number of requests. The full version of Sidekick is available as an optional add-on for users on the Standard and Premium plans. Learn how to add the Sidekick add-on to your plan.

How reliable are the answers provided by Sidekick?

Sidekick is designed to provide the most relevant information based on the given input, but it may at times produce responses that are not fully accurate or appropriate. It's a good idea to verify the information provided by Sidekick with other sources.

How much usage is included in the Sidekick add-on?

The add-on gives everyone on your Nuclino team full access to Sidekick. To ensure optimal performance, your access may be reduced depending on your usage.

More questions about Sidekick?

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