
Who can use this feature?

🔐 Available to anyone.

⭐️ Available on all plans.

Notifications help you stay up to date with information and changes relevant to you. There are in-app, desktop, and email notifications.

Available notifications


In-app & desktop


You were added to a team

Someone you have invited joined the team

You were added to a workspace

You were mentioned in an item, comment, or task

You were added to a team member field

Someone replied to a comment you created

Someone replied to a comment in which you were mentioned

Someone resolved or deleted a comment you created

Someone added a comment in an item you are following

You received a reminder

In-app and desktop notifications

Once you get a notification, a red indicator appears next to the notification menu in the top right corner of the app. If desktop notifications are enabled in your profile settings, you will also get a notification via the notification center of your computer.


Notifications related to mentions in comments and tasks are marked with a corresponding icon. Once the comment you've been mentioned in has been resolved, or the task has been completed, the icon will fade out.


To make notifications easier to manage, you can:

  • Mark as read some notifications without having to open them. They will no longer be highlighted.

  • Mark as unread the notifications that you want to revisit later. They will be highlighted, even if you have already opened them.

  • Clear the notifications that are no longer relevant. They will be permanently removed from your notification menu.


Email notifications

Email notifications are sent when:

  • You don't have the Nuclino web, desktop, or mobile app open

  • You have the Nuclino app open but haven't interacted with it for more than an hour

Email notifications are enabled for all users by default and can be disabled in your profile settings.

To enable or disable desktop and email notifications

Desktop and email notifications can be enabled or disabled in your profile settings.

  1. Open the notification menu and select Settings by clicking on the bell icon in the top right corner of the app and clicking on the three dots .


    Alternatively, click on the profile button and select Profile.

  2. Use the toggles next to Desktop notifications and Email notifications to enable or disable notifications.
