Roles and permissions

Who can use this feature?

⭐️ The team member and guest roles, as well as workspace commenter and reader roles are available on the paid plans.

Team roles

On the team level, the roles and permissions assigned to your team members define how much control they would have over basic team settings, billing, app integrations, and so on.


To manage team roles

  1. Access the team settings.

  2. Assign the following roles to your team members:

    • Owner: Owners have the highest level of permissions. Owners have exclusive access to features such as deleting teams.

    • Admin: Admins have a high level of permissions, especially regarding workspaces. They can execute dangerous actions such as deleting entire workspaces irreversibly.

    • Member: Members are available on the paid plans. They have enough permissions for daily usage, but cannot execute dangerous actions such as deleting workspaces or teams. Their permissions can be restricted further using advanced security controls.

    • Guest: Guests are available on the paid plans. They have no access to the team settings and cannot create new or see existing workspaces. Guests need to be explicitly added to workspaces.





Invite, manage, remove team members



Configure billing



Configure apps & integrations



Configure authentication



Create, edit, delete groups



Rename team




Delete team




Get added to public or private workspaces

Join public workspaces


Create workspaces

✅ *


Duplicate workspaces

✅ *


Export workspaces

✅ *


Export items

✅ *


Share items publicly

✅ *


Delete workspaces



Move workspaces between teams




*These features can be restricted for members using advanced security controls.

Workspace roles

On the workspace level, you can decide which members of your team are allowed to add or edit content and who will only need to view it or comment on it.


To manage workspace roles

  1. Access the workspace settings.

  2. Assign the following roles to the workspace members:

    • Editor: Editors have full access in the scope of a workspace. For example, they can invite new workspace members and modify all workspace content. Note that guest editors have limited access.

    • Commenter: Commenters can't edit the content of the workspace but they can leave comments and replies.

    • Reader: Readers have limited access to a workspace. For example, they cannot invite new workspace members or modify any workspace content.




View content

Edit, duplicate, archive, delete content



Import content



Move content between workspaces



Empty trash, delete content from trash

✅ (except guests)



Duplicate workspaces

✅ (except guests)



View, add, resolve, delete comments


View or follow item activities


Add, manage, remove workspace members

✅ (except guests)



Rename workspaces

✅ (except guests)



Change workspace privacy

✅ (except guests)



Change workspace default access

✅ (except guests)



Change workspace default view

✅ (except guests)

